Get to know your Favorite Characters better with these amazing interviews!
*Click on the name to read the Interview*
* Torin & Rain
* Lil & Bran
* Gavyn Llyr
* Cora & Echo
* Andris Riestad
Raine & Torin
Interview By Tracy Vincent, Textual Love Blog
The powerful sound of a twin engine grows closer... I’m not sure what is wrong with me!, My hands are sweating, I’m a nervous wreck, you know, like that reporter in Interview with a Vampire, except my guests are not vampires or they wouldn’t be riding a Harley in broad daylight. I walk to the window, lift the corner of the curtain and peers outside. A sigh of relief escapes me when I see them pull up, followed by pure excitement. I can see Torin sitting behind Raine, He dismounts the bike and my heart skips a beat, He removes the helmet from Raine’s head gently, her dark hair tumbling down to her shoulder. He says something, causing her to playfully punch him in the stomach then she grabs his T-shirt and pulls him closer. He drops the helmet on the seat, cups her face and I swear I can see the gleam in Raine’s eyes right before he kisses her. Yowza.
My heart is racing again, I fan myself, those two are sweet but damn so Hot. Even my neighbor from across the street stops watering her garden to watch. Afraid they’ll see me spying on them like any loyal fangirl would, I let the curtain drop and run to my bedroom to make sure I’m presentable. I’ve never been so nervous, it is the tenth time I check myself but I can’t help it...
Suddenly there it is, the knock I’ve been waiting for all this time. I run back to the door, reminding myself to breathe but the excitement gets the best of me and before I know it I’m yanking the door open. I mentally chide myself cringing noticeably as Raine chuckles. I take a deep, calming breath..
ME: Welcome to my home, Torin and Raine
TORIN (grins, hand tight around Raine’s): Thanks for having us.
ME: (step back and indicate for them to come in) Please, come in and have a seat. Would you like something to drink? Tea? I know you English love tea?
RAINE: No, thanks. We’re good. We had lattes before we left.
I move back to give them room. I walk to the living room noticing Torin as he waits for me to sit, ever the English gentleman, then he takes the chair across from me and pulls Raine onto his lap. She sinks against him, welcoming his embrace comfortably, her eyes going to her ring.
ME: By the way, I want to say congrats first! I cried a little during the ceremony.
May I see the ring? ( A brilliant smile curve Raine’s lips, reaching her eyes as she extends her hand to me and I cant help but stroke the stone). Wow, its absolutely gorgeous.
RAINE: Thank you.
ME: So you ride the Harley now?
RAINE (glances at Torin): Oh yes. He loves me in the driver seat.
TORIN (his grin turns wicked): That’s because you’re still learning just how powerful you are.
I can feel my cheeks burning, something tells me they were not just talking about riding a bike): Do you ever distract her?
TORIN (his blue eyes widen as he gives Raine an innocent smile): Do I distract you, sweetheart?
RAINE (face pink): All the time. *looks at Me* He gives me control, then wants it back. *she elbows him* You have serious control issues, luv.
TORIN (chuckles): Okay, Tracy. So what did you want to ask us? Cora and Echo are expecting us at their house.
I cant help but smile at the obvious love pulsing between them. They can hardly stop touching each other. Raine is stroking his hair while he keeps rubbing his lips across her shoulder):
ME: Okay. As we know, you both met when Torin had moved into Eirik’s old house. Ednah was kind enough to allow us to see both your points of view of that meeting. My question is, did either of you know how this would end up? How far you’d go in your relationship?
TORIN (looks at Raine): You want to answer first?
RAINE: I didn’t. I thought he was hot and totally my type, but I, uh… *she looks into his eyes* I never thought we would end up here.
TORIN: I knew you were the one. I just had to work on convincing you. *glances at Tracy* I had to work my magic on her.
ME: Raine this question is for you. We know that you had a crush on your buddy Eirik and that your best friend Cora had a blog about all the hot guys in school. Did it ever bother you when she would highlight Eirik or later Torin?
RAINE: Not really. I knew that Eirik hated her blog, so when she highlighted him, I knew he wouldn’t read it. As for Torin, we were already together. I didn’t care what the other girls drooled over his pictures. They drooled over him right in front of me, shameless hussies.
TORIN: Cora wrote about me? What did she say?
RAINE (elbows him): Nothing important. Next question.
ME: Torin, we know that there were several times when we thought that you and Raine wouldn’t make it. And I can promise you that our hearts were in our throats each and every time. Were you ever truly worried?
TORIN: Honestly, yes. I was scared she’d give up on us, especially when the Norns kept coming after her and wearing her down.
RAINE (strokes his cheek): I would never have given up on us. Norns or no Norns.
ME: Talking about the Norns. We have a mantra in the Elite Valkyrie’s group called “Eff the Norns”. They have done some seriously despicable things with both of you to try to manipulate you to get their way. So, I’m sure they’re also not your favorite creatures. Do either of you doubt your memories though, because of how dastardly those sets of three can be? How do you manage to be sure that, what you know is the truth.
TORIN: All I have to do is look into Raine’s eyes to see my truth. She is my truth. They can erase our memories, but I’ll always find her.
RAINE (her eyes tearing): Honey…
TORIN (grins): She gets tongue-tied when I tell her how I feel.
RAINE (drops a kiss on his lips): And he is the romantic one in this marriage.
ME: Finally, last question, have you guys regained all your memories of those that you know you’ve lost, or are they truly gone and you have to recreate new ones? I’m thinking in particular the events leading to the end of Runes and the snippet that was offered in Losing It.
RAINE (glances at Torin): We have them back. All of them.
TORIN (chuckles): And we are making more. Lots and lots more.
ME (watching the two of them reminds me of my honeymoon): You two are so cute together. You’re still on the honeymoon stage?
TORIN (shakes his head): now and always, Tracy. I gave her my word. Come on, luv. Time to go. (He says pulling her up as he drops a kiss on her cheek and holds her hand once more)
I stand too, and I must admit, a bit sad that their visit is over. After trading goodbye hugs, I take a deep breath and escort them to the door.
ME: thank you so much for coming, it’s a dream come true to have you in my home.
RAINE: Oh sweetie, you are very welcome. I wish we could stay longer but Echo and Cora are waiting for us and as you may know Echo is not necessarily known for his patience.
TORIN: (scoffs, rolling his eyes and Raine elbows him in the stomach)
RAINE: (looks at him with warning in her eyes) Neither are you, Luv
I chuckle as I see Raine smile at me and pull Torin by the hand, walking out of the house…
As soon as they leave the porch, Torin grins, winks at me and sweeps Raine off her feet. I rest my back against the frame of the door as I watch the two laugh, kiss, then get on the bike. Torin is in front this time. Sighing, I wave goodbye and go back inside.
“Alright then, that’s the end… Time to go over my notes of the interview”.
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Lil & Bran
Interview By Tracy Vincent, Textual Love Blog
Interviewing supernatural people is a lot different from interviewing your average Joe... I’m expecting Lil and Bran, Nephilim, descendants of fallen angels and I have no idea what to expect. Made me wish I were interviewing a certain billionaire all over again. One, they don’t travel by man-made things. They teleport, which means I won’t be able to see them coming. What if they landed on my coffee table or on top of me?! *Sigh*…
Then I remembered that Lil could slow down her teleport, she has great control over it. Even as the thought zips through my head, I feel a buzz in the air, like a power surge sweeping through the room, then she appears in front of me. Her red hair done into a long braid that falls gracefully over her right shoulder. She smiles, slightly turning her head to her right just as Bran appears beside her. I am shocked, my heart is racing and I feel the spark of their energy buzzing through me, this is so exciting. Even knowing this is how they would show up I was not prepared for the overwhelming impression that seeing them materialize out of thin air would have in me. And Bran, oh Bran, I notice right away that his dark hair has grown longer and brushes his shoulders. Emerald green eyes stare back at me from the locks that have fallen over his forehead, his gaze intense. I still can’t seem to look away. Suddenly I see Lil reach up and push the locks out of the way in a tender manner before facing me.
LIL: Sorry we are a little late.
ME: No, it’s okay. Welcome to my home, Lil and Bran. Please, have a seat.
BRAN *sits and pulls Lil on his lap. She struggles to get up, but his arms tightens*: Stay still, sweetheart. *Bran glances at me* She thinks she can’t sit on my lap because someone might see her. She might be their princess warrior, but she’ll always be my Lil.
LIL *sighs*: He’s been like this since the mess on the mainland. I’m supposed to lead my people not cuddle with him every time he sees me.
BRAN: I’m just trying to make sure she remembers who she belongs with on her eighteenth birthday. Not the Hermonites or the Guardians. Me.
LIL *lays her head on his chest and grins*: I chose him a long time ago, but he’s worried about my father forcing me to consider other suitors on my eighteenth birthday. There’s already grumbling among the Lords with eligible sons and unmarried Hermonites.
BRAN *looking annoyed*: Even those in Xenith want a chance to court her. Idiots. They don’t stand a chance. Even Sykes says he’ll add his name to the list.
LIL *sighs*: He was just saying that to piss you off. She turns to look at me, rolling her eyes Okay, so what do you want to know?.
ME: No, I want to hear more about this suitor business. Is there going to be a big party?
BRAN *glowers*
LIL *whispers*: It annoys him, so let’s not discuss it…
ME *sigh in defeat*: Okay. When the two of you met, Lil had no idea of any of the power that you’d wield which we know was surprising to you, Lil. But did it shock you that she had no idea, Bran? Did it strike you as odd that you’d attract the attention of someone who wasn’t already fully in their power or at least had knowledge of their power?
BRAN: Yes, I was surprised because her grandfather is a legendary Cardinal Guardian. That he’d hidden who and what she was just seemed unbelievable. As for attracting her attention, depends on what you mean. If you mean, attract her attention via telepathy, then I’d say it didn’t surprise me. I felt her psi energy way before I saw her and was drawn to it. Her mind was already powerful and just needed a stimulus. I’m happy I was her first. *wiggles his eyebrows*
LIL: Did you have to say it like that?
BRAN *smirks*: Oh yeah. Kind of have to remind Sykes and all the damn suitors that I connected with you first.
LIL *rolls her eyes*: Ignore him.
ME *try to hide a chuckle*: Lil, Ednah clued us in about how you were feeling, but were you ever once truly doubtful of Bran’s loyalty and his true nature? Especially, given how tricky those “demons” are supposed to be?
BRAN: She fell for me from the moment we met and didn’t care.
LIL: No, I didn’t. You were annoying.
BRAN: Charming .
LIL *rolls eyes*: The link between us made it easy to feel the person he was. Despite his cockiness and other annoying habits, I knew he was harmless
BRAN *frowns*: Annoying habits?
ME: How did you both feel when Lil’s FULL powers started to truly show themselves?
BRAN: I loved it. They were all treating her with kid gloves, so I think they needed to see her as the warrior princess she’s become. *takes her hand and interlaces their fingers, then drops a kiss on her knuckles* My warrior princess
ME: Did it make you feel like you couldn’t truly do your duty as a guardian, Lil?
LIL: No. With my grandfather and Bran by my side, I had no reason to fear anything, including my powers. Even when I didn’t know who he was on the island and I felt a little lost, my powers never made me feel inadequate.
ME: Bran, did it make you fear for Lil more so than you already did because now she’d be a target for both groups?
BRAN: Oh yes. Remember, I recognized who she was right from the beginning. I’m sure her grandfather also knew she was the Chosen One. Since I’m taking over from where he left off, I’ll make sure the bad guys don’t come within a foot of her. They’ll have to pass through me first, even during the courting week.
LIL: And who will protect you from my many suitors? The list keeps growing?
BRAN: That’s easy. You. *he glances at me* I guess we’ll protect each other.
ME: Bran this is for you, we know that your father was unwilling to be where he was and he tried to instill the guardian way in all of you kids, and we know that Gavin has always been someone for you to be concerned over. But do you think he can truly let go of your Mom’s influence? Given what we know in Forgotten, do you think he’s always worked the same angle as you, just in his own way?
BRAN: Yes, he will. It’s taking him a little longer to find his way, but his concern is now for our people, not greed or ruling this world, though he still loves to say it to get a reaction from the Guardians. My brother is an annoyingly complex man.
LIL: In other words, an ass.
They exchange a laugh.
ME: Lil and Bran with how things left off in Forgotten, which gutted me by the way not because of the ending, but the whole lack of memory thing, do you think that the “sisters” Coronis and Xenia would truly allow for a peaceful blending of the two? Do you think that they (the people) could put enough of their prejudices aside in order to accomplish that?
LIL: The sisters want to stay relevant, but I hope the people will prove that they don’t need them. Peaceful blending of the two groups will prove it.
BRAN: No, it won’t.
LIL: It will.
BRAN: Sweetheart, we’ve talked about this. Just because you want the Guardians and the Hermonites to get along doesn’t mean they will.
LIL: Oh yes they will. Wait until you see how I plan to use the specials to start the healing process.
BRAN: Oh no.
LIL: Oh yes.
ME: Wait, What does she mean?
BRAN *looks around*: Sorry, I can’t give away her plan, but it’s crazy. On the other hand, she’s the only one who could ever pull it off….
LIL *laughs*: You are so silly.
Bran stands up pulling Lil with him and holding her hand
BRAN: I think that’s about it. She has to prepare for a meeting with a group of elders from Xenith and I plan to stand beside her throne and glare at them, so they know they can’t intimidate her.
Lil rolls her eyes once more and turns to me
LIL: Thank you for having us Tracy, I hope we were able to help.
Instead of handshakes, LIL hugs me, then faster than I can blink, the two teleport leaving nothing behind but sparks of light...
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Gavyn Llyr
Interview By Tracy Vincent, Textual Love Blog
I pace around waiting for Gavyn to show up... I know that he agreed to do this interview, but I also know how much he dislikes humans, so I doubt Bran was able to convince him to come, though I do want to show him that I’m willing to tell the Hermonite story to the world so they aren’t so maligned. But I’m still nervous. Gavyn makes me nervous. He’s just enough bad with a hint of good, on top of the fact that he could end my very existence with a flick of the wrist. I don’t bother looking out the door waiting for him to show up because he’ll just poof in like Lil and Bran did. So I was surprised when there was a knock at my door. Gavyn stood on my porch in a smartly tailored suit, his shock of white hair impeccably styled, looking every bit the successful business man, albeit young business man.
Motioning for him to follow me to my couch, he sits next to me, so I have to turn my head to look at him.
ME: Would you like something to drink? I have coffee, tea, water, lemonade, soda…
GAVYN: *shaking his head* No, thank you, I’m fine.
ME: Hello, Gavyn. I’m glad you deigned my blog worthy of your attention. I know you’re a very busy de…. I mean Hermonite, so I’ll make this worth your while. I want your side of things. We know that history is written by the victor, so of course their opponent would be considered the villain. And something we’ve seen in Forgotten is that, it isn’t always the case. We as the reader have been given an insight that we’d never seen before. There seems so much more to you than what little we’re given. You have moments of being a self-serving jerk and others of being more altruistic. Is your goal to best serve yourself or is it truly your goal to help your fellow Hermonites?
GAVYN: It’s always been my goal to help my people. That I’ve accumulated wealth along the way doesn’t mean I was self-serving. However, I’d like to make it clear that I saw things differently before. It was us, Hermonites, against the world and the Guardians. We had to find a home for our people, our children and elders. Now, no matter how much I hate to admit it, Lil and my brother are showing me that we can achieve the same thing using their way. *he smirks as though thinking of a private joke*
ME: We first meet you in Awakened, you weren’t very kind to Lil or even to your brother Bran. On top of that you had those two lunkheads with you. Did you truly believe the prophecy at that time, or did you not connect the dots yet? I don’t believe you recognized her as Valafar’s daughter yet, but when you found out, were you shocked, amused, or distressed by the news? *I turn toward him to watch him better, his face is expressive though he tries to hide it.*
GAVYN: I’ve always believed the prophecy, but I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. So yes, I was shocked to see her with the Guardians. I was raised to believe that the Chosen One would come from us, the Hermonites. Coronis was right. Lil is from us. She is part of us as much as she is part of the Guardians. Getting everyone to see that is going to take some doing, but I’ll do what I can to help.
ME: Bran loves you with all his heart. He does so much to try to get you to get away from the ones that would harm humans and guardians alike. Celeste loves you too, and I believe she, too, wishes you were by her and Bran’s side. And you’ve shown us several times that you have deep emotions for both Celeste and Bran, why is it so hard for you to join the Brotherhood or try to join the Guardians?
GAVYN: Have you seen what they wear? The Brotherhood and their monk-like robes and the guardians with their dark, uninspired hunting clothes…
On a serious note, I’m not good a hiding and living in the shadows. Both the Brotherhood and the Guardians do that. It’s only us, the Hermonites, who go about our business without hiding who we are, except to humans. But then again, I’ve never really cared about humans. *Gavyn turns toward me, so that we’re now facing each other on the couch, each with an arm on the back of the couch, more as though we were catching up on lost time. But there’s still a stiffness in his posture.*
ME: We know that the prophecy claims that one will unite the two races and they’ll be able to live together peacefully. With your experience do you think that’s possible? Do you even WANT it to be possible?
GAVYN: It is a Herculean task, but I’d like to see Lil succeed. She is ingenious and might actually find a way to do it. Too many of our people have suffered because of the hatred between our groups, and it’s time it stopped. FYI, we are the same people, same race, just two different groups.
*He arches an eyebrow at me*
ME: I cringe, suspecting that I completely stuck my foot in my mouth on that one. Sorry, I sometimes suffer from foot to mouth disease. I didn’t mean to seem callous.
*He simply shrugs and says nothing*
ME: Ok, last question. We don’t know much about your childhood. We know the little bit that Bran has shared, and he has a lot of fond memories of you and Celeste and your dad. If you could give us a good memory of your family, that would be so greatly appreciated.
GAVYN: I remember picnics with Dad, Celeste, and Bran near the pass on Coronis Isle. My father was fond of nature and we would do a little bird watching, rocks climbing, and even visit the dark caves. Dad would force us not to use our powers, so we wouldn’t be detected by Mom or the guards. I didn’t know until Lil retrieved the dagger hidden in the farthest caves that I realized that Dad used our picnics as a cover to check the dagger my grandfather left behind and to make sure it wasn’t disturbed.
ME: Well, thank you so much Gavyn for your time. I know you’re very busy. I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. I hope this helps people understand that the Hermonites aren’t bad and you can’t let a few bad apples spoil the bushel.
GAVYN: You’re welcome. I do need to be going, I have business elsewhere.
ME: Well, let me show you to the… *Gavyn poofs and disappears*
I was left with that same electrical feeling that I had when Lil and Bran stopped by last week. Only I can’t be too certain if it was all his dramatic exit or if it was partly because of his magnetism and the fear that he could hurt me without a moment’s notice. Regardless of the reason, he is ONE exciting Hermonite for a human to be around.
I really could kick myself for my bad boy loving ways, because that’s one bad boy a human like me should never tango with. Thank GOODNESS, I’m a happily married woman!
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Cora & Echo
Interview By Tracy Vincent, Textual Love Blog
I open the door both excited and nervous to see Cora and Echo here, I mean Squeee!! They are actually in my home! I look at their expectant faces thinking “Ok time to stop fangirling and act like a mature adult, Squeeeeee!! Ok now I’m done”… ME: Hi guys, thank you for coming, my home is your home. *I step back as I open the door wide for them to enter.* *Echo peers inside my home, his eyes aware and sharp as he takes in everything around him.*
CORA: *sighs, rolling her eyes.* Sorry, he’s trying to make sure it is ‘Safe’—makes air quotes with her fingers—for me to go in. *Then she steps around him and enters, pulling him in by the hand.* ME: *I chuckle, closing the door*: Well there is nothing here that can hurt her, Echo, although I’m sure Cora is badass enough to take care of herself. I mean we all have seen what she can do after reading Grimnirs and Souls. I can assure you there are no dark souls here at all. However, if Dev wanted to stop by for a little afternoon chat, I wouldn’t mind at all.” *Echo looks at me surprised at my statement, finally stopping the “sweep the place for evil” with his eyes, then frowns. Cora and I exchange a knowing look and laugh.*
ME: Please have a seat.
*Cora sits on the couch as Echo sits beside her. I see him grab her waist as he attempts to bring her closer to him but she stops him.*
CORA: Reaper, behave. We need to be respectful of our new friend. We are not in your house. *She sends him a warning look and he sinks into the couch as he crosses his arms over his chest. Cora and I exchange another look and I press my lips together trying my best not to smile.*
ME: don’t worry guys I’ll keep it sweet and to the point, I promise. I can’t really promise it will be short though, because I have a lot of questions. Ok shall we begin?
*Cora nods and smiles. Echo just looks at me with an intense look in his eyes, as if sizing me up.*
ME: Ooook, here we go. Cora, what is the origin of your name?
CORA: My grandmother’s name was Coraline. I’m named after her.
ME: Echo, Is there a nickname that you're known by? Do you prefer it?
ECHO *cocks his right eyebrow*: Do you really think someone would dare give me a nickname? I’m Echo. End of story. *His voice is dry and Cora gives him another warning look.*
ME: Cora, how much pride do you take in your appearance?
CORA *laughs*: A lot. I don’t care what anyone says, people are drawn by the visuals and I take care of my appearance. My hair is always nicely styled. I love to shop and dress nice. I don’t mind waking up thirty minutes early, so when I step out the door, I look my best. Echo might not admit it but he was first attracted to all this. *waves her hand to indicate herself*
ME: Are you also attracted to guys because of their appearance?
*Echo looks at me with a “what kind of question is that?” look in his eyes then cocks his right eyebrow and tilts his head waiting for Cora’s answer*.
CORA *laughs*: At first, but what holds my interest is their personality.
ME: Echo, what is your height, weight and build?
Echo: Seriously? Why would anyone want to know my stats?
ME: Ok Echo, I’m the one asking the questions here, so you are going to play nice and answer them, understood?
ECHO *grins*: Oh, a spunky Mortal. I like that. I’m Six-five, 190lbs and all muscles, Sweet-cheeks. *Pulls up his shirt and bares his extremely perfect washboard abs* Want to touch?
ME: *I blush as my pulse races. I look at Cora who seems to be as in shock at his answer as I am*: Uhm, well, I don’t think Cora would approve
CORA *Shoots Echo an incredulous look*: Are you ser... Why would… I can’t even… I give up! *Is all she manages to say as Echo laughs with mischief written all over his face.*
ME: *I clear my throat.* Echo, do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings? What do they mean to you?
ECHO *stands up and pulls off his shirt, then turns around showing me his back*: Scars, a constant reminder of my dark past and my dark soul. His voice becoming somber as the last words come out. He turns to face me and puts his shirt back on then looks at Cora endearingly; she calls them “badges of honor”. Cora-mio is a sweetheart. * he sits down*
ME: *my heart warmed*: You really do love her, don’t you?
ECHO *sighs, looking straight into Cora’s eyes *: Love is too tame a word. I adore her. She’s my anchor, my harbor, my crutch when the world is off kilter. She is everything to me. She completes me.
CORA *sighs rolling her eyes*: Fine! Come here. *She pats the seat beside her, feigning annoyance*, but I can see the shine in her suddenly wet eyes.
ECHO *Smiles triumphant and within seconds he jumps up the couch, places his right leg around her back and lets his body fall on the couch again so that she’s sitting between his legs. He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her tight to him and buries his head on her hair and neck.*
CORA *takes a deep breath in defeat as she shakes her head*: next question?
*I can’t help the smile that shows on my face, I love seeing these two like this.*
ME: Wow, you are a lucky girl Cora.
*She smiles placing her hand on top of Echo’s.*
ME: Ok, Echo. What is currently your biggest responsibility or commitment?
*A muffled sound comes from him as the answer and Cora rolls her eyes.*
CORA: You do know that unless you take your head out of there, she can’t really understand anything you are saying right?
ECHO *grunts and reluctantly lifts his head from her neck*: Cora and reaping, in that order.
ME: Really? What will your goddess say if she hears that?
ECHO *shrugs*: I don’t care. Probably throw me on Corpse Strand to remind me she’s the boss, but I’ve come to learn that there are other things worse than torture.
ME: Like?
ECHO: Seeing Cora unhappy
ME: Awwwww *escapes my mouth and I blink, surprised. I can hardly believe it came out me. I see Cora, turn her head to him, look into his eyes and kiss him briefly then he buries his face in her neck once more as she looks at me embarrassed.*
CORA: sorry.
ME: No that’s perfectly fine. What is the best thing Echo has done for you recently?
Another muffled sound comes out of Echo and Cora’s eyes widen as she blushes, I’m not sure why but something tells me I should be blushing too.
CORA: *laughs nervously * Puppies, he bought me puppies
ME: Puppies? As in, more than one?
CORA: Well yes, he wouldn’t be Echo if he didn’t do anything bigger and better than everyone else, so he got me 3. Two boys and a girl: Echo Jr., Spunky, and Shyla for the girl. They are my babies and I love them
ME: Echo, wanting to be better than everyone else might not make you too popular, do you have any rivals or enemies?
ECHO *lifts his head chuckling humorlessly*: Enemies, hmmm. Too many to count. Most of them are my fellow Grimnirs. In my defense, I really don’t consider them my enemies. They are the ones who consider me their enemy. As for rivals, I used to think a certain god-child was my rival. I’m his opposite in every way. He’s fair while I’m dark. He’s golden hair, pretty face, private and pampered existence while my story is harsh, dark and troubled, out there for all to see and it’s not pretty. But he’s no longer my rival. I won. I got the girl. *smirks smugly hiding his face again *
ME: Cora, Do you have any irrational fears/phobias?
CORA *squints*: Not really. I live in a farm, so bugs and small animals don’t bother me. My only fear is loosing Echo, I don’t think I could ever survive that.
ECHO *lifts his head from her neck and looks into her eyes*: Never going to happen, Cora-mio.
ME: Cora, What is your most cherished possession?
CORA *lifts her hand to display a ring*: A promise ring from Echo. It belonged to his mother and his grandmother before her.
ME: *I study the ring*: It is gorgeous. Is the writing runic?
CORA: No, it is Druidic. The middle one has a special meaning.
ME: What is it?
CORA *points at the three rays that converge at an apex*: This is called Awen.
The three rays have different meanings. The left and right rays symbolize female
and male energy. The center ray is their harmonious balance.
ME: *I touch the three spirals*: And this one?
CORA: That’s the triskellion. It represents Druidic virtues.
ME: Echo, how deeply does your job/social role define you as a
ECHO: What I do doesn’t define me. My past may have shaped
the man I’ve become, but what defines me comes from here.
*taps his chest* My essence.
ME: What is the driving force/motivation in your life?
ECHO: Doing right by those I love. It’s gotten me in more trouble than I care to admit, but that’s who I am. I will do anything in my power to ensure they are alright, but if you do something to them, I’m a vindictive bastard. You hurt someone I love and I’m a coming after you. It doesn’t matter how long it takes or who I have to go through. I will make you rue the day you hurt those I love.
*I shudder and look at Cora who has a pensive and sad-apprehensive look as she sees Echo.*
ME: Echo, do you consider yourself a moral/ethical person?
ECHO *shrugs*: I’d like to think so. Don’t take my word for it though. Read my story and decide for yourself...
ME: Well, I think that’s everything I need. *I smile then I stand up as they do the same.* Thank you so much for coming guys, and thank you for sharing all this with me, *tapping the pad in my hand*. I hope the drive won’t be too long for you Cora.
CORA: *chuckles*: Thank you for inviting us. It was great being here. And nope, I didn't drive. We “portaled” over.
As the words come out of her mouth I see Echo pull out his artavus or dagger and etch something in the air. Immediately the air dissolves and transforms in front of my eyes. WOW! I never thought I would actually get to see an air portal in my life!! I can hear the waves and feel the fresh air of the beach coming through the portal. CORA: thanks again!
She quickly gives me a kiss on the cheek and Echo waves goodbye. Then they step into the portal and I barely have time to peek through to catch the pool of an incredible mansion on the beach, probably Echo's house in Miami. Before I could blink the portal closes and I’m left with this incredible feeling of well-being.
I look around my empty living room and sigh. No one is going to believe this....
Want more? Visit Tracy's Textual Love Blog

Andris Riestad
Interview by Tracy Vincent, Textual Love Blog
I pace as I wait for Andris to arrive. That seems to be all I do these days! I don’t really know what to expect. our appointment was at two o’clock. It is five past. Sighing, I turn and screech when I see Andris leaning against the wall, a smirk on his lips, arms crossed.
ANDRIS: Did I startle you?
ME: (hand pressing on her chest): Where did you come from? I mean, there’s no mirror in this room.
ANDRIS (rolls his eyes, pushes against the wall and walks toward me): But you have walls, sweetheart. Some of us, powerful ones only, can create portals through walls too. So, where do you want to do this?
ME (points to a chair): Sit, please.
ANDRIS: Thank you. *sits* So what do you want to know? And please don’t ask me how old I am or where I grew up… *rolls his eyes* boring. Be creative, or I walk.
ME *shake ,my head and studies him*, the silver hair, brown eyes , the chiseled features: You like to piss people off.
ANDRIS *cocks his eyebrows*: Is that a question or a statement?
ME: An observation.
ANDRIS *shrugs*: I’m just being me. If anyone objects to that, not my problem.
ME: I’m not objecting. You speak your mind. I like that. So let’s be honest here. What kind of relationship do you have with Torin?
ANDRIS *frowns*: What do you mean?
ME *winks*: What do you think I mean?
ANDRIS *chuckles*: You are bold for a Mortal. If you’re asking if I’m into him like I would be into another guy… no. He’s my big brother. Sort of. Knocking heads then not speaking to each for a few decades doesn’t change that. He knows he can depend on me and I know I can depend on him. End of story.
ME: Let’s talk about Maliina.
ANDRIS *narrows his eyes*: Let’s not.
ME *sighs*: Ingrid?
Andris: Nope.
ME: Raine?
ANDRIS *grins*: She’s A sweetheart. She can be stubborn, annoyingly snarky and doesn’t appreciate my skills. Since Torin plans to keep her, *sighs* I will tolerate her.
ME *laughs*: I think they are planning to keep each other?
ANDRIS *shakes his head*: No. Torin is the one doing the keeping. She is lucky to be chosen.
ME *shrugs*: Let’s agree to disagree. Any new girlfriend?
ANDRIS *makes a face*: Nope. I’m in my no-girls phase?
ME: What does that mean?
ANDRIS: You are smart, you figure it out.
ME: Guys?
Andris *wicked grin crosses his lips*
ME *leans forward*: Who?
ANDRIS *rolls his eyes*: I don’t kiss and tell.
ME: Spoilsport. What does the name Andris mean?
ANDRIS *cocks his brows*: Seriously?
ME *stares him down*: Seriously. This is my interview, which means you answer my questions.
ANDRIS *chuckles*: The kitten has claws. I like that. You should have started with that.
ME: Andris!
AMDRIS *sighs*: It means warrior.
ME: Do you consider what you do as war?
ANDRIS: Nah. More like a service to humanity. Not that they know it. Or appreciate it.
ME: Is your hair natural?
ANDRIS *rolls his eyes*. Who cares?
ME: I do. My readers too.
ANDRIS: You Mortals are so concerned with trivial things. Let me summarize my stats. My silver hair is natural. My favorite food is pizza. I love to wear black because I look good in it and it makes my hair noticeable *grins*. I hate whiners. I like modern technology because for once Mortals are finally getting somewhere. Favorite music group was Nirvana. Movie? Haven’t watched anything worth mentioning. TV series? Game of Thrones.
ME: What do you do when not reaping?
ANDRIS: I write poetry. If you tell anyone, I will rune you and make you do depraved things to yourself, record you and post them online.
ME *eyes wide*: You write poetry?
ANDRIS *gets up*: Like I said, depraved things if you tell. We’re done.
ME *stands too*: One last question. Will Ednah tell your story next?
ANDRIS *shudders*: I hope not. The things I do are not for young minds. *bows* It’s been a pleasure. This time, may I use your mirror? Portals through walls are like walking through a jungle. Murky.
ME: My bedroom is this way.
ANDRIS: I did tell you I was off girls, right?
ME *laughs*: You really think every woman wants a piece of you?
ANDRIS: Absolutely.
ME: Yeah, well, not this one. My long mirror is in the bedroom.
I watch as he creates a portal, blows me a kiss then disappears...