Writing about myself is not as easy as penning a saga about fictitious characters. Where to start? What to add? What to leave out? Don't want to bore you with stories of my childhood... When I walked, got potty-trained, talked... So I'll start with the more interesting stuff.
I started making up fairytale stories before I could write, even wrote a play which was performed by my class in high school, but I didn't complete my first story until I finished my PhD in chemistry and decided to be a stay-at-home mother.
The first books I wrote were picture books about the adventures of a little lion called Little Leo and his pet Cockatoo. My kids got a kick out of hearing me read them out aloud. Then I moved to mid-grade chapter books. Their favorite was Goldilocks before the Three Bears.
Then I tried my hand at contemporary romance and romantic suspense, wrote Slow Burn and Mine Until Dawn. They weren't polished and I didn't like the direction they'd taken, so I shelfed them. One, because as a self-taught author, I was still learning the craft and my first attempts were pitiful. Second, I couldn't read them to my children.
And the little munchkins grew and became teens and moody and impossible to please... digressing again. As teens, my babies wanted to read teen books. Vampires and werewolves were in. A professor of mine once told me that you can either be the first or the best at what you do. I wasn't too keen on jumping on the vampire/werewolf bandwagon, so being first was out. And I couldn't see myself being the best, self-taught writer that I am. So I decided to write something different--the fallen angels.
The idea for Awakened (originally named The Awakening) rose from the inner recesses of my mind after I came across the stories of kris daggers. All I knew was that the weapon had to be at the center of my story. Soon the characters formed in my head and wouldn't leave me alone, especially an orphaned girl named Lil.
Finding a home for Awakened wasn't easy. Books about fallen angels by other authors hit the shelves while I was still trying to find an agent and an editor willing to take a chance on me.
Finally my agent found a home for it. While I waited for edits, I went back and polished Slow Burn and Mine Until Dawn. And that's how I came to write both YA fantasy about the fallen angels and Norse Mythology as well as adult contemporary romance with or without suspense. And more recently I was named USA Today Bestselling Author.
When not writing, I spend time with my family. I currently live in a picturesque valley in northern Utah with my husband, five children and two cats.
Well that's all about me for now, who knows what else I'll add to my Bio in the years to come. In the mean time don't forget to sign up for my Newsletter, or Text Messages and stay updated for all my new and exciting projects to come.
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